Snow day today!
We got approximately 2 inchs of snow every hour. Which doesn't sound like too much....
until there's 3 feet outside your door!
I'm glad it snowed-even though, between you and me, I hate the cold- because as you may know, my family is going to Hawaii this Christmas and's just not the same as having a white Christmas!
The downside is I didn't get to see my friend Nick today, and therefore was unable to recieve a gift he has for me! Ugh, he won't tell me what it is!
And (expierencing his first Buffalo snow storm) Dan is up! To clue you all in, Dan is my older sister's boyfriend. They both attend Grove City College and have been dating for about two-three months now!
Wow. I just realized that all my new blogging friends know pretty much nothing about me!
How do I sumarised this....
I am the youngest of five children.
Amanda is the oldest, and she's the real writer of the family. I've already said how she attends Grove City and she about to graduate from college as an English Major. She's also the beauty of the family! As you can see!
Jake is the second oldest! He's into film and movie making, and he goes to college at Notre Dame! At his college he met Molly, who he is currently dating, and he's studying for another year before graduation! Look at him studying!
Alex is the middle child! He's really smart and is very into the political scope of our nation. He too, is attending Norte Dame, but he's just a freshie and has a while to go! Aubrury, who goes to my high school as a Junior is dating him. There's a big age difference, but they're really perfect for each other.
John is the youngest of the boys, and the second youngest in general! He's an actor, and very good at it too! He's the one who got the lead in the musical this year! I'm so proud of him. Bec, who is a good friend of mine, is dating him and their the same age. It's a cute relationship. Here he is! He's probably texting her in this picture!
And then there's me...but you already know stuff about me.
Oh, also.....I have....
3 dogs: Toby, Danny, and Olly (Pictures are in that order)
3 cats: Alice, Jazz, and Trey (Also in that order)
As well as one horse, two mini horse, and one barn cat!
I don't have pics of them because that would require walking through the snow to my barn!
And I don't own any other pets.....
but there is plenty of friendly wild-life near my house!
Also, just because I couldn't deny any Floridians the pleasure, heres my pictures of the snow!
It's everywhere!
Emma <3